Tired of the English language and want to learn other languages:Best three applications and sites to learn the languages of the world

If Tired of the English language and want to learn other languages Heincet It offers you the best 3sites For  Learn a range of languages In addition to an easy way to learn the pronunciation.
Babbel is an online language learning softwareand e-learning platform available in various languages since January 2008. Fourteen languages are currently offered: DutchDanish,EnglishFrenchGermanIndonesianItalian,NorwegianPolishPortugueseRussian,SwedishSpanish and Turkish. According to babbel.com, it has over 20,000,000 users from more than 190 countries.
Link of Site : Babbel
Link Of App: Babbel Mobile
Duolingo s a freelanguage-learning platform that includes a language-learning website and app, as well as a digital language proficiency assessment exam. Duolingo offers all its language courses free of charge. As of April 2016, the language-learning website and app offer 59 different language courses across 23 languages; with 23 additional courses in development. The app is available on iOS, Android and Windows 8 and 10 platforms with about 120 million registered users across the world
Link of Site: Duolingo 
Link of App: Duolingo Mobile
3-Roseta stone
Rosetta Stone Language Learning isproprietary computer-assisted language learning (CALL) software published byRosetta Stone Inc. The software uses images, text, and sound to teach words and grammar by spaced repetition, without translation. Rosetta Stone calls its approach Dynamic Immersion (a term which has been trademarked).
The software's name and logo allude to the Rosetta Stone, an ancient stone slab on which the Decree of Memphis is inscribed in three writing systems.
link of site: rosettastone
Link of App:rosettastone app

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  2. Thank you for the useful material. To the list of sites I want to recommend the site of the online English language school EnglishPapa https://englishpapa.com/. On the website, you can take a free online test and sign up for the first trial English lesson, which the school conducts for free.


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